bass fishing

Cold Fronts and how to fish them

Cold fronts are different depending on where in the country you live.  When a cold front hits up north it will slow the bite a little, but you can still catch them.  A cold front in Florida can be devastating to the bite.  When faced with frontal conditions, I would slow down and fish a jig, drop shot, tight wobble crankbait or a Rattl’n Vibe.  All of these presentations should be slow and close to the bottom.  Sometimes the best way to catch them is to get a reaction bite.  For a reaction bite the Yo-Zuri Rattl’n Vibe is my favorite.  You can cover lots of water and fish the entire water column.  The bite will almost always be when the bait is stopped and falling.  The Vibe glides down and when ripped up again the fish react and bite.  There is no better way to catch a cold front bass than with this technique.


 I also throw the Yo-Zuri 3DR-X Flat and 3DR-X Shad crankbaits.  Both of these baits have a very tight wobble.  This tight wobble looks very realistic to how the shad swim, when the water is cold.  With the Rattl’n Vibe I am making the erratic movement, but with the crankbaits, I try to deflect them off the cover to get the bite.  The colder the water, the more important it is to throw a tight wobbling, subtle style crankbait.  I usually throw 16 lb T7 fluorocarbon on the Vibe, and 10-12 lb T7 fluorocarbon on the crankbaits. 

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I always first try to fish a moving bait during cold fronts.  I’m looking to get a reaction bite, but if that fails, I switch to a jig or dropshot.  The jig I fish really slow on the bottom.  I will try slight hops, but generally it’s a slow drag presentation.  For this, I usually throw 16 lb T7 fluorocarbon which is strong but invisible.  Cold fronts can make the bass really finicky, which is why I downsize my line.  When all else fails I will fish a drop shot.  This presentation will be slow and methodical.  I use 15 lb yellow Super Braid for my main line and 8-12lb T7 fluorocarbon for my leader.  Most of the time I just drag it on the bottom, trying to feel for structure.  This presentation is usually my last resort but has saved the day many times.

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Even though cold fronts can be fishermen’s worst nightmare, it doesn’t mean you can’t catch them.  I have had some incredible bags of fish on cold front days.  Just remember to slow down and try to keep a positive attitude.  Your goal is to see if you can get a reaction bite or do you have to slow down and finesse fish.  Once you get a few bites the bass will tell you how to move forward.  Remember even in Florida cold fronts, a big bag is possible.

By Mike Surman


Yo-Zuri Superbraid: A Top Choice

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It's no secret that braided line can provide some real tangible benefits to anglers. For the past 8 years I've been fishing Yo-Zuri Superbraid on all my spinning and baitcasting gear and I've had great success on lakes and rivers around Ontario from Lake St. Clair, south and east to the mighty St. Lawrence River, and north to the James Bay lowlands. 
On spinning gear I lean on 10lb (NED rigging and drop shot), with one or two reels spooled with 15-20lb for a bit heavier applications like heavier (tube jigs and swimbaits). Baitcasting gear always gets adorned with heavier weight Superbraid like 30 to 50lb for tacking largies (Texas and Carolina rigs and froggin') and the ever-present Northern pike (large spoons and soft plastic offerings.

Braid Advantage

Braided line offers several advantages over traditional monofilament or fluorocarbon lines. Its low-stretch properties provide reduces superior sensitivity, allowing anglers to detect even the subtlest bites. Additionally, braided line has a higher tensile strength, meaning it can handle heavier loads and larger fish. Its thin also diameter line resistance , resulting in longer casts and better hooksets. One often overlooked advantage, is longevity. Braided lines tend to be more resistant to twisting, and they can also be reversed, extending the life of the line even longer!

Should I Use a Leader?

While braided line offers many advantages, it can be commonplace to use a fluorocarbon leader especially in ultra-clear smallmouth waters where I live. Fluorocarbon is nearly invisible underwater and can provide a higher level of confidence where finesse fishing tactics are needed. Short leader lengths of 4-8ft are common joined to the braided line with a knot such as the back-to-back uni-knot, Alberto, FG, or similar. By combining the strength and sensitivity of SuperBraid with the stealth and durability of fluorocarbon such as Yo-Zuri Top Knot, T7 Premium Flourocarbon, and the newest addition, SuperFlouro, anglers can create a powerful and effective fishing system that can't be beat. Why Superbraid? Yo-Zuri SuperBraid is a high-performance 4 strand PE (polyethylene) braided fishing line construction offered in 10-40lb test. The larger braid between 50 and 80lb is constructed of 8 strands of PE. SuperBraid has a special coating to provide a amazing abrasion resistance and very low stretch. With its exceptional strength, sensitivity, and durability, this braided line offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance your fishing experience. There are also several color options available, and it is reasonably priced for a premium braided line! Several Color Options! Yo-Zuri SuperBraid is available in a variety of colors to suit different fishing conditions.

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  • Green - a popular choice for freshwater applications, as it blends well with aquatic vegetation
  • Hi-Vis Yellow - ideal for low-light conditions, making it easier for line watching and detecting strikes
  • Blue - for use in saltwater and clear lakes, and;
  • Five Color - provides 10 meter sections of multi-coloured braid, with small black color change demarking 1 meter intervals. This metered line is ideal for vertical jigging and long line trolling.

By understanding the benefits of Yo-Zuri SuperBraid and choosing the right color for your specific fishing needs, you can elevate your angling skills and have a great time on the water targeting your favorite species! Will Nalley

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By Will Nalley

The 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow: A Hot New Hardbait Series For Each Phase of Fall

​          Less sunlight daily, leaves are changing colors, and water temperatures progressively dropping…that means fall is upon us! Fall is the time of year when many fish species are feeding heavily on minnows, so using a minnow-imitating hardbait like the new Yo-Zuri 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow series can be highly effective when pursuing everything from panfish to predators.
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​          The new 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow comes in three sizes (1 5/8”/40 mm, 2 3/8”/60 mm, and 3 1/8”/80 mm) and eight colors including naturalistic trout, smelt, and metallic patterns. The Flat Heavy Minnow is a suspending hardbait that comes in Yo-Zuri’s patented scale prism pattern and built-in rattle system which draw fish in from a distance. A unique feature that sets the Flat Heavy Minnow apart from other hardbaits is that it does not just sink, but it notably flutters as it falls through the water column. This fluttering movement mimics a dying or injured baitfish that often entices fish to strike before retrieving the lure even begins. When the characteristics are added all together, the 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow series makes for a dynamite hardbait that fish cannot resist throughout the transition from summer to fall, peak fall, and late fall periods.
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Early Fall
​          As summer transitions to fall, predators like walleyes, northern pike, and bass move in and out of weedlines in search of prey. Making long casts more than forty feet with the 3 1/8” Flat Heavy Minnow tied to 20 lb test Yo-Zuri SuperBraid parallel to the weeds is a solid way to draw attention from predatory species. Focusing on depths of ten to twelve foot of water and retrieving the Flat Heavy Minnow halfway down the water column works very well as fish will oftentimes feed up as they lie in ambush in and near the weedlines. A pull and pause retrieve maximizes the flutter on the fall in this scenario, which increases the number of fish that will bite.
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Peak Fall
​          As emergent vegetation dies and surface temperatures progressively drop, large schools of large slab crappies suspend as they prowl over some of the deepest water in a given system chasing schools of minnows. This might mean that they are five feet down over fifteen feet of water or it could mean they are suspended fifteen feet down over thirty feet of water depending on the lake. In this scenario, pairing the 1 5/8” 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow with Yo-Zuri 4 lb or 6 lb Hybrid line can be highly effective as it can be cast far from your fishing vessel to decrease spooking fish while getting down to the fish before they move. Casting beyond the school of fish and going with a lift-pause-fall-repeat cadence one to two feet above them can be a great way to chase suspended slabs. The key during the cast and retrieve is to keep the line taut as big crappies will regularly uphit the Flat Heavy Minnow, oftentimes swallowing and/or T-boning the lures.
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Late Fall
Late fall is the time when water temperatures have plummeted, turnover has come and gone, and a great deal of vegetation has been diminished. This is an excellent time of year to use the 2 3/8” 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow for trout as they thrive in cold water. Trout can sometimes be a bit more challenging to catch as they can be found at any stage of the water column from the bottom to the surface as they feed on insects and minnows before the upcoming freeze. Any of the available trout-based patterns can be strong choices this time of year when tied to Yo-Zuri 6 lb T-7 Fluorocarbon. The key to retrieving and/or trolling the Flat Heavy Minnow is to move quickly (1.5 miles per hour or more) through the water column as the goal is to get reaction strikes. If the lure is moving too slowly, trout may be less inclined to strike. Because trout can be located anywhere in the water column, I usually start speed fishing in grids in the middle of the lake and work my way outward toward remaining weeds near the shorelines. Taking this approach allows for fish to be found and fish behavior to be patterned more quickly so that more time can be spent in the more productive zones of the lake.
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​          Fall offers a bonanza of great fishing for a variety of species. Stock your gear boxes with the new 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow series and get ready for some great northern pike, bass, walleye, crappie, and trout fishing throughout the phases of fall.

Tight lines and safe travels!

- Mark Maule
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The Fall Transition

Even though you can’t always feel a major change, the summer to fall transition is coming.  The nights and mornings are getting cooler, and the middle of the day is not quite as hot.  This transition starts the migration of shad from the middle of the lake to the banks.  As the shad begin to move, all of the gamefish become more active, and our fishing gets better and better.  The fall on Lake Okeechobee is when the bass begin to school.  This is when you let the birds clue you into where the fish are.  Seagulls, Turns, and Herons can all give you a sign that shad are present, which means bass are present.  I love throwing topwaters and rattling baits during this fall transition.  There is nothing better than a giant bass or a school of bass, busting my topwater.  My favorite topwater for this is the 5” and 4” YoZuri Pencil.  I use a fast “walk the dog” action on my Pencil and very rarely will I slow it down.  I like this bait because I can work it fast and cover water.  During this transition, bass are very active so a fast retrieve seems to trigger very aggressive strikes.


If the wind has too much chop on the water for a topwater, I go to the YoZuri Rattlin Vibe.  This is the best rattling bait I have ever used.  It can be worked in a lot of different ways, but a “stop and go” retrieve will really trigger bites in the fall.  The depth of water you are fishing will determine the length of your stop in retrieve.  Usually in 4 feet of water or less, this pause will be only a second.  The deeper the water the longer the pause.  The Rattlin Vibe will start to glide and fall during this slight pause.  That is when you get 90% of your strikes.  This may only be a tick or thump, and your line will go slack.  This is why I use the YoZuri T7 Flourocarbon line when throwing the Rattling Vibe.  My favorite is 15-20 pound test, depending on how I want the bait to glide and fall.  The heavier the line, the slower the fall.  The T7 flourocarbon is very low in stretch, so when you set the hook, even on slack line, the hooks drive into the fish.

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So even though you may not be able to feel the fall transition, the fish and wildlife can.  So, get your Pencils and Rattlin Vibes and get on the water!  This transition brings some of the biggest bass of the year, but also some of the biggest numbers of fish caught.  Tight lines and have fun!

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by Mike Surman

Multi-Species Fishing Trips: A Late Summer Hard Bait Approach

Many fish species can be found throughout the water column during the late summer period. Panfish and predator species alike can be caught at or near the surface of the water column, hunkered down in thick vegetation or cruising weedlines adjacent to steep drops, or suspended over deep basins during this time of year. Having a variety of hardbaits that cover each level of the water column during late summer can improve the odds of catching several fish species in one fishing trip.

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With so much bug life and baitfish congregating at or near the surface of the water column, late summer can be a great time of year to chase largemouth and smallmouth bass and northern pike using poppers. The Yo-Zuri 3DR-X Popper is a smaller profile lure at 2 5/8” and 1/4 oz. that works well during lowlight periods of the day, when the wind is under 5 miles per hour, and when fish are extremely finicky. The Bone or Ghost Prism Frog are solid patterns when fished within open pockets formed by lily pads and when chasing fish hunkered down in weeds during the heat of the day. Yo-Zuri 20 lb test SuperBraid is a top line choice when using the 3DR-X Poppers in and around weeds as it is strong enough to hold large bass or pike when they dive for thick cover as is often the case after a strike.
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While many walleyes will shift their focus to deep humps, rock piles, and deep flats during late summer, there are inevitably going to be fish that frequent structure in less than 12’ of water as well. Larger walleyes will hunt in and around large cabbage patches where small perch, bluegills, and other minnows seek cover. At 4 3/8” and 1/2 oz., the 3DB Jerkbait 110 Deep is a hardbait that stands out among smaller forage that gets the attention of large walleyes waiting for an easy meal to pass in front of them. The Bold Table Rock Shad is arguably one of the most versatile patterns when fishing for walleyes in weeds as it can be effectively fished in clear or tannic-stained water. Changing up the cadence used from fast twitches to simply pulling the Jerkbait forward a few inches at a time allows the Yo-Zuri “Wave Motion Technology” to maximize vibrations that walleyes cannot resist.
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Although bluegills and crappies can be found in weeds and wood in late summer, this can also be a great time of year to pursue large schools of fish that suspend over deep water chasing smaller minnows and invertebrates. It is common to find marauding packs of panfish suspended 15-20’ down in 35’+ of water during this time of year. The Rattl’N Vibe, at 2 1/8” and 3/8 oz., is a large enough profile lure that sinks to suspended panfish quickly to maximize water covered effectively, but it is still small enough that big panfish will regularly eat it. Tying Yo-Zuri 6 lb test Hybrid line to the Vibe and then jigging, drifting, and trolling are all great options when pursuing suspended panfish. The Luminescent is a glow-based pattern that works regardless of water clarity and is an excellent choice early and late in the day when light is diminished.
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The late summer period can be a great time to chase multiple species of fish in the same trip. Coupling Yo-Zuri lines with the 3DR-X Popper, 3DB Jerkbait 110 Deep, and Rattl’N Vibe can give you the opportunity to maximize results during your next multi-species trip on the water. 
Tight lines and be safe!

- Mark Maule

Throw The Knuckle For A Great Change-Up- by Mark Maule

With August rapidly approaching, many larger northern pike have retreated to deep water weeds, deeper rock piles, or roam the basin in some cases chasing schools of baitfish. During this time, many anglers put away their northern pike gear because it can be more challenging to catch bigger fish than it is during the spring and fall seasons. However, if you can find the fish, they can be caught. One of my favorite lures to fish large northern pike during late July and throughout August is the Yo-Zuri 3DB Knuckle Bait.
At 1/4, 1/2, and 5/8 oz. the Yo-Zuri 3DB Knuckle Bait can effectively be fished throughout the water column. The 1/4 oz. Knuckle is a perfect choice when fishing in water up to about 10’ above downed wood, right at the edge of weeds that drop into deeper water, or off of long points. The 1/2 oz. and 5/8 oz. Knuckle Baits are a great choice when fishing in water from 10-20’ deep while working the edge of weedlines and sharp drops or humps. The 5/8 oz. Knuckle Bait can also be a great option when pursuing large fish in the 15-25’ range over basins when they are chasing schools of baitfish.
Two of my favorite colors regardless of how deep I am fishing are the Golden Shiner and Tennessee Shad. The Golden Shiner 3DB Knuckle Bait is perfect for tannic or dirty water and the Tennessee Shad is an excellent choice for clear water conditions where the sun is high in the sky. With each pattern, it is recommended to use some kind of trailer. Normally, I go with a 4” or 5” plastic grub that emulates baitfish that are in the system. So, for example, when fishing the Golden Shiner Knuckle Bait, I might choose a grub that has some chartreuse and orange flecks in it because it mimics a bluegill that northern pike will be feeding on in weeds. When using the Tennessee Shad Knuckle Bait, I might go with a pearl or white grub to try for basin fish because these colors look like tullibees that northern pike might be chasing.
Fishing for large northern pike during summer can be daunting at times, but they can still be caught with relative frequency. Throwing the Knuckle as a change-up to patterns used in spring and fall can be a terrific way to keep you on the numbers and good-sized fish.

Post Spawn Big Bass “Wake” Up!- Mark Maule

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you just don’t want to wake up or get out of bed? Of course! We have all had that experience at some time. During the immediate post spawn period, it can seem like the big bass in a lake have one of those mornings for an entire week. However, even when they are lethargic and not feeding heavily as can be the case in the immediate post spawn period, there are still some opportunities to “Wake” them up and get them to bite.
One of my favorite lures during this transitional phase is the Yo-Zuri 3DB Wake Bait. At 2.75”, this lure has a solid tight wobbling motion. Like other Yo-Zuri products, the 3DB Wake Bait has a rattle that can draw fish in from a long way off. The Yo-Zuri 3DB Wake Bait can be fished right beneath the surface leaving disrupted water behind it as it is reeled in, or it can be fished effectively up to about 1.5’ below the top of the water.
Using the 3DB Wake Bait during the post spawn can be especially effective early in the morning or late in the day when the sun is lower. Add some wind up to about 5 mph hour, and this lure can be cranked for bass on any given lake. The Prism Ayu is one of my favorite colors during the immediate post spawn for bass because it emulates the baitfish that the fish are feeding on or will be feeding on soon and elicits reaction strikes. Prism Ayu is a great pattern choice to use in clear water especially as bass will come to the surface from 15’ down to engulf this lure as the cadence is changed with every crank of the reel handle. Generally speaking, I start in 3-6’ of water when using the 3DB Wake Bait, and then work my way out deeper if necessary. Another alternative in cloudy conditions during the Bluegill spawn is the same size of Yo-Zuri Wakebait in the 3DR series is the Real Bluegill.
So if you are facing some cranky bass right after the post spawn that don’t seem to want to move, much less eat a bait, “Wake” them up with the Yo-Zuri 3B Wake Bait.

Yo-Zuri Prostaff angler Brandon Cobb Captures his first W

Fishing as a professional bass fisherman comes with a lot at stake. It can be financially trying, emotionally exhausting, physically demanding, but can all pay off when the plan comes together. Every angler out there has one goal in mind; to WIN! But what if you are in front of your hometown crowd? The people that saw you grow-up, the friends you’ve known your whole life, your wife, your parents and grandparents, all your family, what if you were the angler everyone had their eye on through-out the week? Does the stakes of winning get higher? Is there more added stress? Do you expect more from yourself? Well that was exactly the cards dealt to Yo-Zuri Prostaff angler Brandon Cobb last week on Lake Hartwell for the Bassmaster Elites Series event in South Carolina.
How did Brandon do? He never even flinched and got the job done; winning his first Bassmaster Elite Series event in his career and taking home a $100,000 payday.
Brandon grew up in South Carolina and has fished Lake Hartwell his whole life, so knowing the lake was no problem. Making sure he didn’t let history interfere with his ability to fish clean and strong to capture the win; that was the difficult task. The Yo-Zuri pro knew he needed to stick to one area of the lake that was notorious for big bedding fish. He stuck to his plan and stayed calm.
Brandon is a well-known angler that prefers to burn the bank and cover as much water as he could throwing moving baits. But, when the springtime hits and water is clear; the best way to catch them is with a spinning rod. Brandon threw a wacky worm throughout the tournament but still managed to cover as much fishable water as he could, even at times revisiting areas through-out the tournament days as fish continued to move up in his primary areas.
Brandon’s arsenal of attack was a 6’10 medium action spinning rod, 2500 size spinning reel, Yo-Zuri 10lb SuperBraid with a 10lb Yo-Zuri Topknot Fluorocarbon leader. Brandon was using this set up to throw a wacky worm to make long casts and catch cruising largemouth in bedding areas. Occasionally he would slow down and throw a shaky head for fish that were locked onto a bed, but most of the fish he weighed in were cruising shallow.

FLW Tour Lake Toho Top-20 Finish Recap- by Mike Surman

The older I get in this sport the more a good finish means to me. With the changing technology, industry curves, and constant new talent making their way into the tour level; the harder it is for me compete against fellow anglers. However this past weekend in my current home state of Florida at Lake Toho, Mickey Mouse must have given me a little magic being so close to Disney World because everything came together.
The fishing in Florida has been really off so far this year. Between the low water in all the lakes, the Red Tide issues the entire state faced last year, and it still being early in the year the best fishing is still yet to come. This last week I was really able to pinpoint a good amount of fish that were pre-spawning and spawning. I used my local knowledge of the lake to lock into Lake Kissimmee and fish staging areas leading into spawning areas with good, healthy grass around it. With water temperatures in the mid-60s I knew as the week processed the fish would continue to move up.
In practice I was really able to capitalize on a morning pattern and then an afternoon pattern, a key to my success knowing I could stay calm throughout the day and capitalize on the different patterns when they were at their best. In the mornings I was catching fishing on a 1/4oz Black and Blue 3DB Knucklebait with a soft plastic swimbait trailer. I was able to catch a couple really good fish on this and thought it would be a key bait for me throughout the tournament. I was throwing the Knucklebait over submerged grass around staging areas. As the afternoon took place and the sun got high I was able to pitch to hydrilla mats and dollar pads with a soft plastic stickworm catching spawning fish.
In the tournament, the morning Knucklebait bite had died but I was still able to capitalize catching these same fish using a 3DB Pencil in Bone color. For this technique I was throwing 20lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid line, and I was making short casts with it. I think the bait has better action when making shorter casts and not having so much stretch in the line. In the afternoons I was able to again capitalize again on the plastic stickworm bite. I was fishing the worm on a little [1/16oz] weight and throwing it on 16lb Yo-Zuri TopKnot Mainline Fluorocarbon.
One of the last factors that helped me was covering water in an area. I was fishing a massive area of Lake Kissimmee and it seemed like covering water and then breaking down an area once I got a bite was the key to capitalizing on water holding fish.

A Knotted Up Mess!!! (pt.1) –by Theron Asbery

Here is an on-going topic for debate in fishing; what knot to tie and when?
The number of knots out there to use and why they are better than the rest, is about as spread out as the number of different hardbaits on the market. For some anglers, they are very particular and picky about their knots. Some use a knot their grandpa taught them how to tie, and grandpa knew everything. Some use a particular knot that they used to win a tournament. Others use a certain knot because it has never broken on them. Finally, there is the anglers that tie any knot that the spirit moves them to tie; whatever the case may be, there is a lot of options.
I’ve spent ten years as a competitive bass angler, five of which have been competing on the FLW Tour. Here is my approach to the different knots out there and when to use them. The first piece of advice I can give every angler out there, keep it simple! I stick to three basic knots in my fishing arsenal and I have yet to find a reason to change. I’ve also added some value from Yo-Zuri prostaff members to help increase the incentive behind the way I like to do things.
The first knot is the Palomar knot, probably one of the easiest but also one a lot of anglers have controversy over. Growing up in Oklahoma and fishing a lot with my dad, the Palomar knot was the first knot I learned to tie. However, I did break off a lot, but it was the only one I knew how to tie. It was not until I started competing in tournaments and reading a lot of article in magazines did I start learning how to tie different variations. The Palomar is still a knot I depend significantly on when fishing with Yo-Zuri Superbraid.
“The Palomar knot is as old as my fishing career. In Florida we fish a lot of grass, and I think the Palomar knot favors the best. Although it has a tendency to cut itself when tied with fluorocarbon, I think it holds the best strength with braid. Also it’s a smaller knot which cuts down the tendency on your bait getting hung up on debris in the water.” –Mike Surman, FLW Tour pro & Yo-Zuri prostaff member
The knot I rely on 90% of the time is the San Diego Jam knot, or as some like to call it “the Jam knot”. This is the knot I especially tie when throwing Yo-Zuri crankbaits such as the 3DB Deep Crank or 3DR Mid Crank because both are worked especially well when in contact with wood or rocky bottoms. The amount of abuse you put your knot and line through in this scenario is endless, so a quality line and knot is paramount. Yo-Zuri TopKnot fluorocarbon is the best on the market and I’ve found the best knot to tie to hold up well and be the strongest is the San Diego Jam. It has three tag ends and pretty simple to tie, however the key to tying it correctly is like most any other knot, make sure to wet it down before you cinch it complete.
“Most of the anglers I know are tying the San Diego Jam for everything. I’ve never had that knot slip or break on me. In my line of work if it isn’t broke, then don’t fix it.” –Clent Davis, Yo-Zuri prostaff
Finally, there is the knot everyone has to use to connect a mainline to a leader. Personally I like the Alberto knot. Again, this was the first knot I learned to tie when adjoining two different lines and it has not failed me yet. It is a pretty thin knot and holds up well for smaller diameter braid and fluorocarbon. It is a knot that wraps the mainline up to sixteen times around the leader material, so it has an excellent hold when all cinched down.
“I’ve found the quickest and strongest conjoining knot to tie, especially when finesse fishing, is the Alberto knot. I’ve caught ten pounders on shakey heads before, and never once had a single issue with the Alberto knot.” –Luke Clausen, Yo-Zuri prostaff & Major League Fishing BPT pro

However, there is a new knot that has really shown itself and made a name for itself among anglers on the tour level; the FG knot. This is knot is relatively difficult to tie and will take a lot of practice to getting the hang of. It was originally designed by tarpon and redfish anglers in the state of Florida but has eventually made its way to the freshwater scene. Again, this is a very thin knot and has a great strength. I would recommend searching YouTube and seeing some different videos on how to tie it. It works very similar to a Chinese Finger Trap, I’ve even heard of guys using it for Crappie fishing and not having to retie for months and months at a time.
“The FG Knot is my favorite when tying braid to fluorocarbon. Although I recommend taking your time and sitting down in the bottom of the boat to tie it, I’ve exclusively started depending on it.”- Brandon Cobb, Yo-Zuri prostaff and BASS Elites Series Angler

Here is just a couple examples of the different knots out there anglers love to use. I have my personal favorites, and every angler out there has their own. No matter what an angler prefers to tie, the key is to have confidence in the knot you rely on!!!

Next week we will feature pt.2 which will cover knots preferred in saltwater fishing. Think it is the same as freshwater???